
Showing posts from February, 2016

Daily Routine

まいあさ ごぜんしちじよんじゅうごふんに おきます。そうして、ほんを よみます。ごぜんくじはんごろ クラスに きます。 ごごじゅうにじよんじゅうごふんに、がくしょくで ひるごはんを たべます。 そうして、 じゅぎょうが あります。あとで、りょへ かえります。 まいばん、りょで べんきょします。ごごはちじはんに がくしょくで ばんごはんを たべます。そうして、 ほんを よみます。 あとで、シャワーを あびます。 ごぜんいちじに ねます。

カタカナ Sound Effects

My favorite use of katakana is definitely its use of onomatopoeia.  I find it very interesting how onomatopoeia written in katakana not only expresses sounds, but sometimes also other feelings about a thing.  It's also interesting how Japanese onomatopoeia tends to have repeating syllables.  I decided to look up how these sound expressions are used in manga and how they are used to express animal sounds.  Here is a list of my some of the katakana onomatopoeia sound expressions that I found interesting: ブヒブヒ: oink-oink チチチ: cheep-cheep-cheep ドキドキ: babump-babump (the sound of a fast beating heart) チュウチュウ: squeak-squeak ドーン: boom (explosion) ゴロゴロ: rumble ゴ: rumble (also used as "menacing" in some cases) ヒヒーン: neigh ケロケロ: ribbit-ribbit コケコッコー: cocka-doodle-doo メエメエ: bah bah (or whatever sound sheep make) ピンポオン: ding dong ピョンピョン: the sound of a rabbit hopping トントン: knock knock ゴーン: gong noise キリキリ: the sound of stabbing ガツガツ: munching ピカッ:


Some of my best memories of visiting Japan are my memories of visiting my mom's relatives in Kamakura.  Kamakura is a small city located in the Kanagawa Prefecture about thirty miles south of Tokyo.  Most of the city is located near or on the coastline of Sagami Bay, and it has a nice beach area, so I would argue it's like a beach-town suburb of Tokyo.  Kamakura is also surrounded by hills from three sides by hills, making parts of the city steep terrain. While Kamakura itself is located in a heavily populated area, the city is relatively small compared to the surrounding cities (it only has a population of around 175, 000 compared to Tokyo's population of 13. 35 million). A view overlooking Kamakura and Sagami Bay. Although Kamakura is small, it is a very interesting place with an even more interesting (if not significant) history.  Kamakura was actually considered the capital of Japan during the Kamakura shogunate which lasted from circa 1180 to 1333. The Kamakur


はじめまして! アドラー です。 わたしは ノートルダム(のおとるだむ)だいがくの がくせいです。 にねんせい です 。 わたしの せんこうは けいえいがく じゃありません。 わたしの せんこうは リベラル  スタヂィーズ (りべらる  すたぢぃいず)(Program of Liberal Studies a.k.a PLS) です。  どうぞ よりしく!