
今学期に論文を書いていました。遠藤周作 (えんどうしゅうさく)と セイントアウガスチンとジュリアンのノーウィチュについて書きました。


This thesis specifically focuses on one of the themes that Shusaku Endo seems to be working towards in his novels.  Within his novels, Endo uses his autobiographical experience to write about people's struggle with faith.  Endo himself struggled with his own Catholic faith as he said it did not seem to fit his Japanese identity.  Yet, he could not deny that it was part of him, and was in fact extremely important to him.  Endo doesn't see this conflict between his faith and culture to be something unique to him, but in fact inherent to the relation between Japan and Christianity.  Ultimately, his novels lead him to asking the question of why Christianity has had such a hard time rooting itself into Japan.  He concludes that Christianity is perhaps too Western and strange for the Japanese.  However, he certainly believes that Christianity can appeal to the Japanese heart and mind. 
Endo uses this metaphor of Christianity as a symphony that can fill the needs of the hearts and minds of all peoples in all times and places.  He challenges Catholicism to be what it claims to be: catholic, that is universal.  Therefore, if Catholicism is in fact this universal symphony, then there must be a certain "chord" within Catholicism that strikes the Japanese heart and mind.  Endo's beautiful use of this metaphor gives him hope that Catholicism can in fact fulfill its promise, even in Japan.  For if the religion claims to be universal, then it must be able to survive in all environments.  If it cannot even in one, how could it be universal? 
Endo's metaphor of the Japanese chord of Christianity beautifully relays his belief that within Catholicism there is in fact something that appeals to the Japanese heart and mind.  However, if Endo's metaphor must be taken seriously, then in order to understand and appreciate this Japanese chord of Christianity to its full extent, one must see how it works within the greater context of the Catholic Christian tradition.

Therefore, I looked through the Catholic tradition to find writers who focus on very similar themes to Endo.  Endo's writing focuses mainly on themes such as mercy and grace, reconciliation, God's relationship with humanity, and struggles in faith.  Two Catholic writes who focus on such themes as well are St. Augustine and Julian of Norwich.  When all three of these writers are put into dialogue with each other, their unique perspectives on such themes create a very beautiful dialogue that helps one better understand and appreciate Endo's writing.  In this dialogue, we see how Endo's ideas can play a part within the greater tradition of the Catholic faith.


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